If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands
What Others Are Saying About David…

“You created an outstandingly entertaining and hilarious performance tailored specifically to my audience.”
—Brandi Huff Bilyeu
Sales Development Executive, HBO

“I’ve never seen our people laugh so hard. How can we possibly top this next year?”
—Todd B. Katz
Vice President, Dental Product Management, MetLife

““Despite our best efforts for top notch education sessions, a premier venue, great food/service, amazing social events…All anyone is talking about is YOU!””
—Melanie Barest
Executive Director, Building Owners & Managers Association (BOMA)

“Tailored….clever…..hilarious……the perfect addition to our anniversary celebration.”
—Jane Llewellyn, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Vice President, Chief Nursing Officer, Rush University Medical Center

“The common feedback was your great ability to customize the program to fit our audience and have some fun with some of the ‘Hot Buttons’ of our industry. The customized songs, slides and stories were hilarious and really met our goals.”
—Rod Martin
Sales Manager, VITA PLUS

“Your keynote was AWESOME and the feedback I got from the attendees was EXCELLENT!….They really appreciated the customization that you gave in your keynote.”
—Dave Tomlin
Director of Education, Iowa Health Care Association

“I can’t remember the last time I’ve laughed for a full hour, but that is exactly what the entire audience did during your performance……Most speakers boast that they customize their presentations; however, that usually means one or two buzz words or analogies. But, WOW, you really did your homework and your entire presentation was customized….”
—Karen M. Brandell
Vice President of Educational Services, Concord Management Limited

“He did a GREAT job….Everyone was incredibly impressed at his ability to take the info he gleaned from the meeting that day and sum it up with such wit in such a short amount of time!“
—Amber Rabo
Director, OD & Training, Houston Methodist

“Thanks to your presentation, the all school meeting was a big hit! I don’t know how we can ever top your act…….Your presentation was tremendous and right on target.”
—Steven A. Schwab
Dean of Academic Affairs, The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale

Find out how David’s customized humor can energize YOUR meeting or event.

“David’s program was very funny and enjoyable, and was appropriate for our audience….I’ve never seen this group of individuals leave with a big smile on their face, the way they did after this program.”
—Terri Drummond
CME Coordinator, PinnacleHealth System

“You are a master at providing an industry specific customized feel to your presentations. Did I mention the non-stop laughter?”
—John M. Hannon
President , Jim Doyle and Associates

“David brought a unique and delightful combination of qualities to our annual all-staff in-service: he was highly professional and extremely entertaining. His thorough preparation allowed him to customize his presentation to our very diverse audience of 500 staff….”
— Debra D’Allessandro,
Project Manager, Health Federation of Philadelphia

“Our team thoroughly enjoyed your performance and the way you used our company specific information……We were also impressed with how you pulled the information…..together so well, considering we booked the event about a week before.”
—Robert P. Kiefer
Executive Vice President, 3SI Security Systems

“We appreciated being able to work with you in advance to customize your content and everyone enjoyed the references to things familiar……You were the highlight at this quarterly meeting.”
—Kim Rose
Assistant Director, Marketing & Public Relations, Shands Healthcare

“……you received very high marks and those who attended were very impressed with how you were able to customize your presentation to focus on our organization and its 25th anniversary.”
—Craig L. Nelson
Executive Director, Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association

“Thank you for doing so much research on CP State and the work we do for our affiliates…Being able to create humor through songs and visuals while using I/DD specific acronyms was absolutely awe-inspiring!…WOW!!!”
—Cindy J. Morris
Project Director, CP State

“Everyone LOVED your presentation…..many saying you were the best keynote that we have ever had—wow!”
—Erica Klein
Senior Coordinator, Education & Learning Services, NAMSSPresident

“David Glickman was BRILLIANT!…….His performance was the highlight of our convention and ….the single-most successful event we’ve experience with this association.”
—Sandra Bruce
Marketing Specialist, Delmar Learning

“You were a great hit with the crowd……Everyone enjoyed your talent and brand of humor….”
—Jim Knapp
Vice President & Chief Information Officer, General Dynamics Information Technology

“….David had the audience roaring. His references really hit home, he took time to learn the language, and he truly engaged everyone in the crowd……ratings were through the roof.”
—L. Angel Mrkonja
Regional Director of Training and Development, Securitas Mid-Atlantic Region

“I just wanted to thank you very much for doing a great job today. The staff loved it.”
—Dr. Ralph Marino Jr.
Superintendent, Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

Discover how David’s keynotes and entertainment can transform YOUR meeting or event.
Partial List of Clients:
- 3SI Security Systems
- 7-Eleven Franchise Owners Association
- Ace Hardware
- Acordia
- ACS-Midas+
- Advantage Healthcare Net
- Alabama Hospital Association
- All Children’s Hospital
- Alliant Food Services
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- American Academy of Physician Assistants
- American Association for Respiratory Care
- American Association of Critical Care Nurses
- American Association of Franchise Dealers
- American College of Emergency Physicians
- American Composites Manufacturers Association
- American Corporate Counsel Association
- American Dairy Association
- American Drug Utilization Review Society
- American Express
- American Healthcare Radiology Administrators
- American Physical Therapy Association
- American Podiatric Medical Association
- American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration
- American Society of Perianesthesia Nurses
- American Water Works Association
- Ameritas
- Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Ohio
- Applied Information Management
- Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale
- Associated Oregon Loggers
- Association of Equipment Management Professionals
- Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
- Association of Staff Physician Recruiters
- Av Med
- Bank Midwest
- Banner Bank
- Baptist Hospital South Florida
- Barnett Bank
- Baxter Healthcare
- Baystate Health
- Beaver Medical Group
- Bell South
- Bingham Memorial Hospital
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
- Boehringer Ingelheim
- Boyle Engineering
- Brevard County Medical Society
- BSA Health System
- Bulldog Capitol Management
- Cambridge Health Alliance
- Canadian Auction Group
- Capstone Health Alliance
- CareOne New Jersey
- Carolina East Health System
- Carolinas Society for Healthcare Consumer Advocacy
- Car-O-Liner
- Central Louisiana Arts & Healthcare
- Cerner Corporation
- Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
- Citicorp
- Coldwell Banker Burnet
- Colorado Association of Realtors
- Columbus Regional Hospital
- Combined Forces Pharmacy Seminar
- Community Health Care Tacoma
- Concord Management
- Contact Center
- Cooper Realty Investments
- Corporate Systems Users Association
- Corporate Transfer Agents
- Covance
- Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
- Datawatch
- Dawson Academy
- Delmar Learning/Milady
- Direct Mail Association
- District of Columbia Hospital Association
- Edward-Elmhurst Health
- Emergency Medical Associates
- Empire Fire & Marine Insurance
- Equipment & Tool Institute
- Escambia County Medical Society
- Ethica Health
- Executive Fire Officer Program
- FHLBank Topeka
- Florida Academy of Osteopathy
- Florida Apartment Association
- Florida Assisted Living Association
- Florida Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus
- Florida Association of Extension Professionals
- Florida Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
- Florida Digital Network
- Florida Gulfcoast Commercial Association of Realtors
- Florida Health Care Association
- Florida Hospital Medical Center
- Florida Organization of Nurse Executives
- Florida Orthopaedic Institute
- Florida Podiatric Medical Association
- Florida Power & Light
- Florida Recreation & Park Association
- Florida Roofing, Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors Association
- Florida Society for Healthcare Public Relations & Marketing
- Florida Society of Clinical Oncology
- Florida Speech Therapists Association
- Florida Tax Collectors Association
- Florida Youth Soccer Association
- Garco Building Systems
- General Dynamics Information Technology
- Georgia Association of Realtors
- Georgia Utility Contractors Association
- Goldman Sachs
- Grant Thornton
- Great Dane Trailers
- Great West Underwriters
- Halifax Medical Center
- Hamilton Beach
- Health Central Hospital
- Health Federation of Philadelphia
- Health First, Inc.
- Health Resource Alliance
- Health South
- Healthcare Financial Management Association
- Healthcare Service Excellence Association
- Highlands County Economic Development Commission
- Hillsborough County Food Service
- Hoana Medical
- Honeywell
- Horizon Health
- Hospice Advantage
- Hospice of Southern West Virginia
- Hospital Administrators of South Florida
- Houston Methodist Healthcare
- HSBC Mortgage Services
- Humana Hospitals
- Idaho Health Care Association
- Illinois Association of Mutual Insurance Companies
- Illinois Health Care Association
- Illinois Nursing Home Administrators Association
- Independent Hardee’s Franchise Association
- Information Builders
- Insurance Reporting Systems
- IntegraCare
- International Association for Exhibition Management
- International Association for Healthcare Textile Management
- International Compliance Professionals Association
- Internet Advertising Group
- Iowa Health Care Association
- Isabella Bank & Trust
- Isola
- Jackson Memorial Hospital
- Jim Doyle and Associates
- Kansas Hospital Association
- Kentucky Association of Health Care Facilities
- Kentucky Housing Association
- Las Palmas Medical Center
- Lennar Homes
- London Bridge Group
- Louisiana Hospital Association
- Maple Leaf Farms
- Master Pools Guild
- Maun-Lemke Revenue Summit
- MedeAnalytics
- Medical Group Management Association
- Memorial Healthcare Hollywood
- Mercy Hospital Maine
- MetLife
- Miami Children’s Hospital
- Minneapolis Public Housing Authority
- Mission Hospitals
- Mississippi Export Railroad
- Mohawk Distilled Products
- Mohawk Valley Healthcare
- Multi-Care Medical Systems
- National Affordable Housing Management Association
- National Association Medical Staff Services
- National Association of Housing & Redevelopment Officials/Southeast Regional Council
- National Cable Television Cooperative
- National Insulation Contractors’ Exchange
- National Myositis Association
- National Professional Education Institute
- NEAX Users Group
- Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association
- Nestle’s
- Nicholas Applegate
- North Carolina Health Care Facilities Association
- North Mississippi Health Services
- North Shore–Long Island Jewish Health Systems
- Northwest Parish Nurse Ministries
- Norwegian Cruise Line
- Nueterra
- OAG Publishing Group
- Ohio Healthcare Association
- Oklahoma Health Information Management Association
- Omega World Travel
- One Source Landscape & Golf Services
- OnMedia
- OPTUMINinsight
- OR Manager
- Owensboro Medical Health System
- Pasco County Medical Association
- Pennsylvania Assisted Living Association
- Piedmont Healthcare Georgia
- Pinellas County Osteopathic Medical Society
- Pinnacle Health Systems
- Planetree
- Plastic Drum Institute
- PointClickCare
- Polyurethane Manufacturers Association
- Portneuf Medical Center
- Practice Match Services
- Preferred Clinical Services
- Press-A-Print
- PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Professional Retail Store Maintenance Association
- Project Finance Magazine
- Promotional Products Association International
- Prudential Cascade Realty
- Prudential/Merrill Lynch Realty Florida
- Public Housing Authorities Directors Association
- Real Estate Educators Association
- Redman Homes
- Reed International
- Rush University Medical Center
- Ryder
- Saint Barnabas Medical Cen
- Schmid Laboratories
- Scottsdale Healthcare
- Securitas
- Seneca Medical
- Shands Healthcare
- Shawnee Mission Medical Center
- Siemens–Vision User Group
- Smith-Nephew
- Social Security Administration
- Society for Radiation Oncology Administrators
- Society for Vascular Nursing
- Society of American Florists
- Society of Gynecologic Oncology Nurses
- Solarall Shade & Shutter
- South Dakota Association for Healthcare Organizations
- South Florida Business Journal
- Southern Wine & Spirits
- Southwest Suppliers
- Springs Memorial Hospital
- St. Luke’s Hospital Houston
- St. Rita’s Medical Center
- Stamford Hospital
- SunGard
- Sutter Medical Center
- SVS Vision
- Tallahassee Society of Association Executives
- Tampa Bay Association of Health Underwriters
- Tampa Bay Lightning
- Tampa Bay Workforce Alliance
- Tampa Electric Company
- Tandberg Television
- Telecommunications Association of Michigan
- Teleport Communications Group
- Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital
- Texas Housing Association
- The 24 Collection
- The Humor Project
- The Sports Authority
- Thies Distributing
- Touchstone
- Transammonia
- Trustware Users Group
- Tultex
- TVC Communications
- U.S. Food Service
- Union Planters Bank
- United Auto Dealers Association
- University of Texas Risk Management
- Urgent Care Association of America
- VaxServe
- Vermont Information Technology Leaders
- Virginia Association of Realtors
- Virginia Community College Association
- Virginia Health Care Association
- Vita Plus Corporation
- VITAS Healthcare
- Water Environment Federation
- West Pasco Bar Association
- White Oak Management
- Winter Park Memorial Hospital
- Wisconsin Association Medical Staff Services
- Wisconsin Health Information Management Association
- Wisconsin Rural Water Association
- Women’s Council of Realtors
- Wound Care Education Institute
- Wyoming Office of Emergency Medical Services
- Xerox
- Zassi Medical Evolutions